10 Free Marvelous Tiny Applications for Windows

1. Space Sniffer

SpaceSniffer is a freeWare (donations are welcome) and portable tool application that lets you understand how folders and files are structured on your disks. By using a Treemap visualization layout, you have immediate perception of where big folders and files are placed on your devices. Start a scan process and see the overall situation. Bigger are the elements on the view, bigger are folders and files on your disk. You need more detail on a big folder? Just single click on it. The selected element will be detailed with its content.


2. Process Lasso

Process Lasso is a unique new technology that will, amongst other things, improve your PC’s responsiveness and stability. Windows, by design, allows programs to monopolize your CPU without restraint — leading to freezes and hangs. Process Lasso’s ProBalance (Process Balance) technology intelligently adjusts the priority of running programs so that badly behaved or overly active processes won’t interfere with your ability to use the computer!


3. Fast Copy

FastCopy is a free open source software which is very useful for copying large files to CD or pen drive. Because Reading/Writing are processed with no OS cache at all, other applications aren’t easy to become heavy. It can bring out Reading/Writing performance that is close to device limit. Include/Exclude Filter (UNIX Wildcard style) can be specified. It runs lightly, because MFC is not used. (made by Win32 API and C Runtime only). You can modify this software, because all source codes have been opened to the public in the BSD license.


4. Everything

Are you tired of Google desktop and Microsoft’s indexing tools? This little tool called everything will literally index everything on your computer in under a minute. This tool is not indexing the text of files, it simply indexes the file names and folders. It is quick, free, and handles expressions like *.mp3 or the like. Give it a try.


5. Utorrent

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