SPFarm property CustomAppRedirect value is false or not set

SPFarm property CustomAppRedirect value is false or not set. SharePoint can give you a new idea about Microsoft products. Its now doubt a very good and enjoyable thing to work on. You can achieve many things and provide a central location for your users. It can give you a heart attack as well. Everything is …

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There are no apps having explicit access to the site

There are no apps having explicit access to the site SharePoint 2016 is a very good tool to be used for applications. You can deploy lot of applications and use them. SharePoint 2016 can be integrated via server side integration. I got the error “There are no apps having explicit access to the site” during …

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How to Install Microsoft SharePoint 2016 Prerequisites Offline Using Power Shell

How to Install SharePoint 2016 Prerequisites Offline SharePoint is a great solution from Microsoft. I really love working on this solution. Sometimes, it really create lot of problems while installing it on a standalone server. This problem occurred with a server where the internet was not available. I download all the requirements locally and started …

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Enable HTTPS on SharePoint 2013

Enable HTTPS on SharePoint 2013 Its very simple and completely straight forward to enable https on sharepoint 2013. There might be a couple of errors come while importing the SSL certificate in sharepoint trust store. I faced under given error while working on this task. I googled this but founding very little about it. I …

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Five Easy Steps to Install and Configure SharePoint Server 2016

Five Easy Steps to Install and Configure SharePoint Server 2016 There are many guides available to install and configure SharePoint 2016 for your local environment but I want to make it real simple and easy to follow. Steps must be discrete and real easy so that even a simple computer user can follow. You must …

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The Subscription Settings service and corresponding application and proxy needs to be running in order to make changes to these settings.

If you are getting the above error after following all the steps from internet to create an APP and still not able to create it on your share point. You are at the right place because I also had the same problem. Solution is given as under: $manaccount = Get-SPManagedAccount SPS-2012\Administrator Remove-SPServiceApplicationPool -Identity SettingsServiceAppPool $appPoolService = …

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