Prepare Your PC for Windows 7

Windows 7 is going to launch Thursday 22-October-2009 and I think it would be better Idea to prepare your PC for windows 7 rather than watching the installation progress bar for hours in the installation process. Here given is a set of instructions “How you can upgrade your windows XP and VISTA to Windows 7”;

290px-Windows_7 Before you buy an upgrade disc, though, you’ll want to ensure your system meets the minimum specs for windows 7. Here they are in table form, stylishly cribbed from Wikipedia’s Windows 7 page:

Minimum hardware requirements for Windows 7 x86

Architecture 32-bit 64-bit
Processor 1 GHz 32-bit processor 1 GHz 64-bit processor
Memory (RAM) 1 GB of RAM 2 GB of RAM
Graphics Card DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM driver model 1.0(For Aero)
HDD free space 16 GB of available disk space 20 GB of available disk space
Optical drive DVD drive (only to install from DVD/CD Media)

Please double-check your system’s stats against Microsoft minimum Requirements. They offer a free Upgrade Advisor download for Windows systems that will tell you whether your hardware and peripherals can live in the Windows 7 world or not.

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