How to Run JBOSS as a Service on Windows 2003 Server?

If you are working with java based web application then you definitely have good idea  about JBOSS web server. JBOSS web server is a best web server available to cater the JAVA web enabled web applications. JBOSS web server by default comes in zipped form and can be placed anywhere on system. A simple batch file for windows and shell script for Linux make it possible to run the JBOSS web server but here comes the problem “You have started the JBOSS and left it work as it is, suddenly your system got restarted”. When your system will come back there will be no JBOSS running on your system and you will not be able to get your java applications until unless you start the JBOSS by yourself. Using JBOSS without creating a service will be a mess. You can create a Windows service by using already given JBOSS service creation executable file. How to create a JBOSS service on windows 2003 and 2008 server, is given as under:

  • Go to Start menu
  • Go to Run dialog
  • Enter CMD
  • Use CD (change directory) command to browse the JBOSS bin directory (In my case its on root drive of C ”C:JBOSS”)

Enter under given command to create a Windows service for JBOSS:

  • C:JBOSS jbosssvc.exe –i jboss service.bat

Note: Change the parameters in service.bat file if you need to make some changes like IP address binding because by default it will bind the JBOSS with active IP Address. You can bind JBOSS with with –b so that all available IP address can be used with JBOSS.

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