13 Fantastic Linux System Monitoring Tools

Every LINUX system admin must now these tools to perfectly manage and monitor the server performance. Try these built-in commands and a few add-on tools. Most Linux distributions are equipped with tons of monitoring. These tools provide metrics which can be used to get information about system activities. You can use these tools to find … Read more

How to find and set environment variables in LINUX

Linux comes with quite a few shells such as Bourne Shell, Bourne Again Shell, C Shell, Korn Shell, etc. The default shell for Red hat Linux is ‘ bash ‘ which is very popular since being the default, most users start by learning bash. I shall talk about the bash shell only in this article.
Typing the following at the shell
$ echo $SHELL
would give you the name of the current shell you are using. It would most probably be the bash shell in case you are a new user and have been assigned the default shell.
The bash shell is actually a program that is located at /bin/bash and is executed by Linux the moment a user successfully logs in after entering his user-pass. Once this shell starts, it takes over control and accepts all further user commands. The bash shell presents a $ prompt by default (for normal user accounts). You can change this prompt to whatever you like but leaving it at the default is best.
Shell Environment
All the programs that run under Linux are called as processes. Processes run continuously in Linux and you can kill or suspend different processes using various commands. When you start a program a new process is created. This process runs within what is called an environment. This particular environment would be having some characteristics which the program/process may interact with. Every program runs in its own environment. You can set parameters in this environment so that the running program can find desired values when it runs.
Setting a particular parameter is as simple as typing VARIABLE=value . This would set a parameter by the name VARIABLE with the value that you provide.
To see a list of the environment variables that are already set on your machine, type the following
$ envenv
This would produce a long list. Just go through the list before reading the next part of the article. Linux by default sets many environment variables for you. You can modify the values of most of these variables. A few of the variables that are set are

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TOP 4 LINUX Administration Tools

1. Webmin It’s a very impressive tool to administer any LINUX flavor. It’s purely web-based application to deal with the whole LINUX operating system. It comes with Caldera Linux. There are few core components of this application are given as under; Webmin (takes you back to the main Webmin screen) System (a collection of configuration … Read more

How to configure LINUX MACHINE as a ROUTER with one Network Card

It’s a bit older but a very cheap way to use a Linux Machine as an internet Router/Gateway. There is no need to be a LINUX expert to do this task. No need to have two physical fast Ethernet cards. Sharing internet connection with only one physical fast Ethernet card is very easy using the … Read more

Multiple Instances of Apache Tomcat 6 on Debain5 Lenny

In my previous post on June 25th 2009, I wrote about the installation and configuration of apache tomcat 6 on debian lenny. For single instance please see the post given below; http://www.itoperationz.com/2009/06/how-to-install-and-configure-apache-tomcat-6-on-debian-5/ Here in this post, I am going to share the installation and configuration of multiple instances of Apache Tomcat 6 on Debian 5.0 … Read more