TOP 4 LINUX Administration Tools

1. Webmin

    It’s a very impressive tool to administer any LINUX flavor. It’s purely web-based application to deal with the whole LINUX operating system. It comes with Caldera Linux. There are few core components of this application are given as under;

  • Webmin (takes you back to the main Webmin screen)

  • System (a collection of configuration issues, such as user and group manipulation, disk quotas and cron jobs)

  • Servers (configuration routines for a number of servers you may have installed on your system, such as Apache, WU-FTPD and sendmail)

  • Hardware (configuration utilities for hardware issues such as RAID, printers and disk partitions)

  • Cluster (a collection of cluster maintenance tools)

  • Others (a set of tools that system administrators typically need, such as a command prompt, an alias manager and a file manager)


2. Linux Conf

Linuxconf comes with Mandrake Linux and Red Hat Linux, but is also available for most modern Linux distributions. You’ve probably encountered this tool before if you use one of these distributions, either as the whole package or in one of its modular components. Multiple interfaces for Linuxconf have been available for years, but now we’re up to four: GUI, Web, command-line and ncurses.


3. Yet Another System Tool (YaST)

    YaST2 is the graphical version and it comes with SuSE LINUX. If you don’t have a graphical environment then YaST2 is laid out in a standard file-manager format, with the menu of categories on the left and icons for the various configuration routines on the right, which change to correspond with your category choice. The categories are:

  • Software (The selection of SuSE software-management utilities, such as the ability to update your system over the Internet or add and remove packages from the SuSE CD-ROM or DVD-ROM)

  • Hardware: a selection of hardware configuration routines, including printers, sound cards and scanners.

  • Network/Basics (The selection of configuration tools for modem and other connectivity devices, Ethernet cards and more)

  • Network/Advanced (The section where you can configure many of your network services, such as sendmail, routing and NIS)

  • Security and Users (the selection of user and group-management tools, as well as a couple of useful security tools)

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    4. The Caldera Open Administration System (COAS)

      COAS comes in a rudimentary form with Caldera Open Linux but is available for most modern Linux distributions, and is open source and covered by the GPL. This tool comes in four different formats, so you can use the interface that’s most comfortable: command-line, ncurses (command-line but menu driven), GUI and Web for remote use. This tool is still under development but will be included in its entirety in later versions of Caldera Open Linux–though there are rumors that because Caldera now has a stake in Webmin, COAS may be on its way out.


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