How to Fix “Are You Sure You Want to Do This” Error in WordPress

How to Fix “Are You Sure You Want to Do This” Error in WordPress

Are you sure you want to do this? error I got every time I tried to upload the WordPress theme. My web server was configured under IIS. I configured the complete server many times and made sure that all the access rights and other things like max file size is according to the requirements. Still I was not able to upload the theme and complete the installation. I was able to upload the file size more than the size of the theme and it went successful without any problem. The theme upload was not successful at all. I tried to fix it by hook or by crook. I upload the theme on the server extracted it and placed it under the theme directory. I tried to install it but still no luck because what I thought might be the size of theme but I was completely wrong. I pulled the IIS long and extracted the error code I was getting and found out that its not the file size. it was actually the total number of files which can be uploaded by using the WordPress theme upload facility.

There is an option in the PHP which can help us overcome this issue and solve our problem so that a large number of files can be uploaded to wordpress using the upload facility. Please follow the listed instructions to make the changes in the PHP.ini file:

Search the php.ini file under the installation directory of the PHP. You may find it under program files x86.

open the php.ini file and find post_max_size

change the post_max_size = 8M to post_max_size = 128M or any other number which ever suits you to solve this problem. I hope this will help you to quickly solve your problem so that you can do something better. Please share this post with your friends!!!!!!!!

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