I would love to have this kind of utility on my computer to save my password and hide my files inside a file to save myself from being hacked, hijacked or cracked by someone out there. Security is the only thing that matters today because people are surfing the internet to steal anything they can find open. This small utility can be used to hide files within other files using military strength 256 bit AES encryption. For example you can hide your passwords inside your favorite vacation photo. The file you choose to hide inside of remains functional, Lets say, if you hide inside an image, the image still opens, prints, and looks the same. The only difference is the file size. When you hide data, an Unlock file is generated, that file along with your password are needed to extract the hidden data. It would be extremely difficult for someone to find, extract, and decrypt your hidden file. For this reason, you should keep the unlock file that is generated in a safe place and do not keep it with the file you are hiding information inside of.
Download this marvelous small utility from under given location;
Download Plain Sight