MailEnable Issue While Sending and Receiving Emails
Recently I encountered this issue with one of my client’s MailEnable email server. There was no problem with the configuration. There was an issue with MailEnable While Sending and Receiving Emails. This mailenable issue was a bit strange to me because everything seems normal, even the logs shows that emails are being received and sent. I tried to test the server by sending emails using telnet and the message returned OK. The server was able to send the messages from web but was not able to receive any message on the web. This became more strange and irritating because there was no clue at all. No emails were being sent or received from outlook. After spending four hours and wasting lots of precious time on Google I checked the complete logs of the MailEnable server and found that MXSCAN (Spam Fighter for MailEnable) crashed somehow and started to move each and every email to inbound queue. if you want to fix this error find the complete path of this queue. It can be found under the installation directory of the MailEnable.
The solution of this problem is to disable the MXSCAN and get the crashed application fixed by getting an updated version. MxScan has confirmed this issue with the older versions. A newer version of this application is available on MXUPTIME website and available only to registered users.
How to get all the emails lost during the downtime?
- Go to Queues\SMTP\Inbound\Messages\mxscan_hold_1 under MailEnable installation directory
- Copy all the messages from the above directory and paste them under inbound directory two level up in the hierarchy
- email server will automatically move the messages to respective email account
I hope this post will help someone to save precious moment to do something better than this. Please share this post on your Facebook and twitter account.