how to reduce Firefox memory leakage

Memory leakage in applications is very common and specially in web applications. To make use of these application efficiently you have to take care of all the aspects that no module of the application leak the memory at any stage otherwise its gonna make your system slow and also the application. If you like to … Read more

Gmail: ultimate new features, drag drop attachment and calendar integration

Composing an e-mail now a days is very common and everyone use it. E-mail composing can take a long time if you have to send more than 100 or 200 e-mails for this purpose you need to find an efficient and easy to use solution. Gmail is offering very important and time saving features. Picture attachment is no more a deal to browse and find it in five or six steps. You just need to locate the picture and drag to your email composing screen and you are done with attachments. There are few other very important features that can help you save a lot of precious time and those are integration of your calendar with your Gmail account to manage your tasks and appointments.

gmail drag drop attachment

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5 ways to view your public IP address


Use your internet explorer and open It will show  your public IP address. This website can do more than one task and is really very helpful in daily life for IT operations.



Its a very simple and easy to use website, you just need to open internet explorer and enter web address to see you public IP address.

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Adobe flash player 10.1 with hardware acceleration

Adobe flash player 10.1 with hardware acceleration (as promised by the adobe) is released as RC (release candidate) and is available for download for PCs and notebooks. A prerelease version of Flash Player 10.1 is now available for Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and Solaris operating systems.

adobe flash player hardware acceleration
Key New Features

Ubiquitous Reach
Global error handling
Designed for mobility
Expanded options for high quality media delivery

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4 ways to get answers for your tech queries

Every computer user know that if some goes wrong, just go to Google and search the results but what if Google fail to answer your technical question in terms of search terms? what would be your next step to get a satisfactory answer? I would suggest to use answers, a few types of online answers websites are shared as under;

1. Microsoft Answers

Microsoft answers provide you a complete help structure of all your questions and queries regarding Windows, Office, Microsoft Security Essentials and Windows Live. You can ask question or find an already answered query from a long list of given answers. You can sign in and save your queries in account to view later on. Microsoft answers is specific to the technologies provided by Microsoft corporation. 
Microsoft Answers
microsoft answers

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Check Who Removed You From Friends List On Facebook

This article has been written by Sanix from Reach him on Facebook and Twitter.

There is no default way to check if any of the friends on Facebook has removed you from their friends list. All the process is completely transparent from the user. For example if a user deletes me from his or her friends list, I will never be notified and if I have a large number of friends, there is a great possibility that I will never be able to figure out if anyone was gone from my friends list.

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Plan and grow your career with Microsoft professional career chart

What is the next step in your career? have you ever thought about this? I started my career as a web developer but switched towards IT after few months, why?  The reason was nothing but interest. I was much more attracted by the IT infrastructure creation and managing big servers. Working with the security settings, have a complete control on the system, etc. What are you guys planning for your career growth? Let me help you to decide what you have to do next because if you are working on only one technology it will be obsolete after a while and what next? Use Microsoft Professional Career Chart to plan your next step for you bright future. 

Microsoft Professional Career Chart
Microsoft Professional Career Chart

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Manually Refresh the cache of your domain

OpenDNS has huge caches, which is one reason OpenDNS makes your Internet experience faster. With Cache Check, you can check what OpenDNS customers see when they request a domain. If there’s something amiss, you may refresh OpenDNS’s cache for that domain. This can enhance the performance and speed your domain to maintain high quality.

Domain Cache Check
Manually Check The Cache Of You Domain

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